Private coaching Packages:
While your ADHD medication helps with focusing and impulsivity, you may still struggle with time management, organizational skills, prioritising, self-esteem, and regulating your emotions.
Can an ADHD coach help?
Find out how coaching can benefit you, book a 20-minute complimentary discovery call with Bernadette. Read more

Adult ADHD Meetings
ADHD affects every aspect of your life and can lead to feelings of isolation. A support group is a great place to share coping strategies with others who face similar challenges as you.
Taking part in our meetings is an excellent way for you to meet new people, discuss diagnoses, medications, and access services that may be helpful to you. Read more
Positive Parenting solutions
The 1-2-3 Magic programme offers a simple and gentle-but-firm approach, it is an evidence-based, easy-to-learn, and effective positive parenting solution for parents. The 1-2-3 Magic parenting programs produce results quickly and have solutions for children from two to eighteen.