ADHD Parent Coaches can provide guidance based on their Certified ADHD Coach Training, and they are qualified parent practitioners. They also have personal first-hand experience on parenting children who have been diagnosed with ADHD and co-occurring conditions.
Your Instructor
Bernadette Ashton
ADHD & Positive Parenting Solutions
Come and meet other parents going through a similar journey and learn more about:
A deeper understanding of ADHD and co-occurring conditions
How medications work and natural alternatives to medication
Looking at stress and destressing exercises to de-escalate behaviours
Stopping unwanted behaviour in children
Avoiding the Talk-Persuade-Argue and yelling
Six Types of Testing and Manipulation
Misbehaviour in Public: What You Can Do
Getting up and out in the morning
How to get your kids to pick up after themselves
Making mealtimes more enjoyable
Avoiding homework battles
How to get your kids to bed and stay there
How to encourage and respect your child's growing independence
Exercise self-control and be an effective disciplinarian at the same time
This course is offered to participants as a 90-minuet session delivered over 5 weekly sessions during the day or evening.
Each session is limited to 10 participants and both partners can attend.
The course is only £30 per session all five sessions must be paid for in full before the course starts.
We can arrange for you to be invoiced for weekly payments, contact us for more details